
Showing posts from February, 2018

Weekly update 3!!!

                                                   We're getting there! here is our plan: We think our book "Mystery On Occidendum Hill" will be two hundred and fifty pages long and will take around two years, we are currently working on chapter two (page seven) and have done all editing we think is so far necessary to that chapter. We are also almost completely done with our character shaping. Keep in mind that the book IS a novel and may take a long period of time, we will try our best to keep you updated so you will know when you can read it yourself, Yours Sincerely,                            LW book company BTW: Tune in later for a chance to win a contest to get our  AUTOGRAPHED book BEFORE it truly is published!

Weekly update 2

Page 4! It may take a while, but we're moving! Stay tuned for a book trailer of our book, coming soon! Progress!!!

Weekly Update 1

Hey!! We have officially decided on our storyline and are on page 2! It doesn't seem like a lot but it's more then you would think!!

Get excited!!!!!

Hey guys! We hope you are all super excited for some great news!!! We are getting our first book written!! Stay tuned for more info on...... Mystery on Occidendum Hil!!!!! Love,❤💗           L and W
"Writing For You"